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Import Export Business

Import-Export Courses in Pune

Unlock Your Career Potential with Top Import-Export Business Courses in Pune

Are you interested in pursuing a career in international trade? Do you want to learn the ins and outs of import-export procedures and regulations? Look no further than our Import-Export Courses in Pune! Our institute offers a range of courses designed to provide you with the practical knowledge and skills required to excel in the […]

How To Start Export- Right Product Selection: IEF 100 Days Action Plan 1

How To Start Export- Right Product Selection: IEF 100 Days Action Plan 1

So many students are often scared to start off their export journey due to a lack of confidence, or due to them being beginners. In these cases, I always mention that learning is the first step toward your success. Humans are always afraid of what they don’t know. With the right guidance and relevant information, […]

Benefits of Import and Export

Benefits of Import And Export Business

Import and export are essential components of international trade, which is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This exchange of goods and services has been around for centuries, and it continues to be a significant factor in the growth and development of economies worldwide. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of […]

Why You Should Export in Dubai- 4 Amazing Benefits!

Why You Should Export in Dubai- 4 Amazing Benefits! 

Should you export in Dubai? Yes! This is why: One of the biggest international markets for Indians is the Dubai market. Exporting in Dubai is a great opportunity for countless Indian exporters who are looking to ship their products to make profits from countries. Being located strategically, Dubai also has great connections with India- especially […]

The Big Difference Between Waybill and Bill of Lading 2023

Bill of Lading and Waybill: What’s the Big Difference 2023

Want to know the difference between bill of lading and waybill? Read on below! Out of the countless paperwork, the 2 main documents used to ship your goods by sea are the bill of lading and waybill. People often get confused between the two, but they carry very specific functions while exporting. But that does […]

What are the 5 Terms of Payment in Export? Payment Terms Explained!

5 Highly Effective Terms of Payment in Export Made Easy!

Once you find the right buyers for your export products, there is a crucial aspect left for the exporter. These are the terms of payment in export. This is an integral part of any trade, in which the importing party and exporting party come to an agreement regarding the finalized payment. Lots of negotiation can […]

What is Cargo Insurance? Meaning, Types & Helpful Benefits 2023!

What is Cargo Insurance? Meaning, Types & Helpful Benefits 2023!

One of the most unaccounted things happening to your cargo is damage due to unprecedented events during transit. This includes damage caused either on the road, sea or in the air. Many times there might be accidents during transits, causing the loss of cargo. If the loss is huge, it can’t be compensated simply through […]

How to Get Orders for Export- 6 Helpful Tips!

How to Get Orders for Export- 6 Helpful Tips!

The export process can be long and complicated if you don’t know the correct information. It starts with complex documentation, production, manufacturing, and setting up your business. But at the end of it, one big question still arises- how to get orders for export? The second half of the process comes after finding buyers including […]

Which Are The Top 10 Largest Ports in India?

Which Are The Top 10 Largest Ports in India?

Being in a strategic location, our nation is surrounded by oceans and seas on 3 sides out of 4 along with a coastline of more than 7000 km. To our east, we have the Bay of Bengal, we have the Arabian Sea to the west and the Indian Ocean to our south. Due to this, […]

CHA in Shipping: Helpful Guide to Customs House Agent 2023

CHA in Shipping: Helpful Guide to Customs House Agent 2023

Have you heard of the term CHA in shipping or CHA in export? Are you wondering who these are exactly, and what role they carry out? Read on to find out! One of the trickiest parts of carrying out an export is clearing through the customs procedure. Due to the shipping rules varying from country […]